
track school is ravenburn jr.
Track school is something we do to help the K-12 home-schooling community. It's an exciting new approach that can help a student better see and develop the talents God has given them.
Think of a rail-road track. You have two rails, and both are going to exactly the same place. Between the rails you have strong, interspersed ties that connect the two.
One of the rails is the "Core Skills" rail. This is primarily mathematics, the scientific method, and letter literacy (reading and writing), among other things. The guiding question here is, What does a young person need to know of these subjects if they are to have a seamless entry into society by the time they are 18, 19, or 20?
The other rail is the "Creative Set" rail. Here, the student gets to spend time (much more time than usual) on the activity or topic that naturally enthralls them. It might be art, or cooking, or carpentry, or music, or computer programming, or . . . .
Where do we come in? We train the parents how to track and categorize the learning. We provide feedback and, around our branches, on-the-ground mentors to visit the students to see their creativity on display and to make sure that it is sufficiently fertile for future developments and sophisticated for intellectual growth. And we proctor exams to make sure students are progressing with the core skills.
To learn more about Track School, please contact Ravenburn's director.