
Ravenburn's faculty are a special group of people. They have committed themselves to learn not only how to lead the classes online or through land meetings but also to run the school. This is in keeping with the faculty-school system's mandate that there be no true division between faculty and administration.
The main duty of our board is to ensure that we stay faithful to our mission statement, to our philosophy of education, and to our core beliefs.
Also, the board can field complaints and concerns about the director of the school or the faculty members. Please address all such communication to the board member(s) of your choice, and be assured that until it is absolutely necessary, your identity will be kept private by the mediating board member(s).
Chris Bruno, Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology, Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH (2015-16). Assistant Professor of Theology at Bethlehem College, Minneapolis, MN (2017 - present). Email: cbruno@ravenburn.org.
Judi Coats, Chair of English Department (2003-2015), Northland International University, Dunbar, WI. Email: jcoats@ravenburn.org.
Fred Leffler, Vice President of EdgePoint Capital, Cleveland, OH, and Director of Heritage Academy, Fairlawn, OH. Email: fleffler@ravenburn.org.
Jason Mamaloukas, Lead Firmware Engineer, GE Houston Natural Gas, Houston, TX. Email: jmamaloukas@ravenburn.org.
Duane Scott, Pastor of Pinklao Baptist Church, Bangkok, Thailand. Email: dscott@ravenburn.org.
Our professional affiliates have partnered with us in a special way, giving us advice and counsel concerning matters of their specialty.
Joel Maart. Director of Finance, Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis, MN. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2018.
Jeremy Mendoza. Assistant Pastor and Youth Pastor, Iglesia Bautista Betania, Mission, TX. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2018.
David Neal. Pastor of First Baptist Church, Fort Atkinson, WI. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2018.
Eli Santiago. CEO of Alpha Savings Consultants. Cleveland-Akron, OH, and Pittsburgh, PA. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2017.
Steve Schuyler. Service Director at J. D. Griffiths Co., Milwaukee, WI. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2016.
Caleb Widmer. Pastor of Worship and Missions, Harvest Community Church, Milwaukee, WI. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2018.
David Yoder. Pastor of Crosspoint Alliance Church, Fairlawn, OH. Affiliated with Ravenburn since 2018.