
transcripts and other records
Transcripts are the record of all the grades a student has earned while taking classes or other coursework from Ravenburn. Transcripts are updated at the end of each term and are archived both by Ravenburn and by the Open Latch Education Foundation (OLEF). If Ravenburn should ever close, students are assured that at that point onward OLEF will be the ward of the transcripts. Students can then request official copies from OLEF.
Currently, students must request transcripts by emailing the current Ravenburn director. In the email, they must specify how and where the transcript should be sent. Here are the options:
Option 1: Transcript land mailed directly to student. (Unofficial)
Option 2: Transcript emailed directly to student. (Unofficial, PDF)
Option 3: Sealed official transcript send to student, enclosed in carrier envelope.
Option 4: Sealed official transcript sent directly to third-party.
All pertinent addresses must be included in the email. Students are to understand that submitting the email to request the transcript will be taken as the student's official consent to release the transcripts.
Please use this email address when requesting transcripts: director@ravenburn.org
We will mail transcripts only via First-Rate Postage by the USPS. We will mail up to 5 transcripts free of charge per month.
Besides transcripts, Ravenburn keeps the records of the following items.
First, we record students' attendance to land seminars. Students must attend at least 6 of the 8 weekly meetings of a land seminar, and under no condition (hospitalization included) should a student receive credit for the seminar if he or she has attended no more than 4 of the 8 sessions. If a student has attended only 6 of the eight sessions, we recommend that the instructor assign a grade no higher than "B" for the seminar (3.0 GPA).
Second, we record student reviews of instruction. At the end of each term, Ravenburn distributes surveys which students fill out, evaluating their learning experience in that class or seminar, the teacher's professionalism, the conditions of the physical location, etc. All surveys are archived.
Third, we record teacher reviews of student participation. At the end of each term, Ravenburn distributes surveys to the teachers teaching online classes or land seminars. In these surveys, the teachers voice their opinions concerning the quality of the class, its commitment level, its professional conduct, and other matters. All surveys are archived.
Fourth, we record complaint trails. A complaint trail is the collection of documents, digital or otherwise, that originates with the initial articulation of the complaint and continues on until the complaint is declared resolved by the person who originated the complaint.
Fifth, we keep all financial data for 10 years, and because of the electronic nature of email, all email is archived indefinitely. For this reason we strongly prefer that all pertinent communication with Ravenburn be conducted professionally via email.